Rebellion or Worship: The Truth About Your Time
Time is one of the most valuable things we have. It is something we never get back once it is spent. How we use our time reveals what we prioritize and, ultimately, what we worship. The reality is this: By not giving God your time, you immediately operate in rebellion toward Him. And rebellion is just as sinful as witchcraft.
The Weight of Rebellion
Many believers don’t realize that neglecting God in their daily lives is not just a matter of forgetfulness—it is an act of rebellion. 1 Samuel 15:23 makes this clear:
“For rebellion is as the sin of witchcraft, and stubbornness is as iniquity and idolatry.”
This verse wasn’t spoken to an unbeliever; it was directed at Saul, the king of Israel—someone anointed by God but who chose his way over God’s way. His partial obedience and misaligned priorities cost him his kingdom.
The same principle applies to us today. When we withhold our time from God, when we choose entertainment, social media, work, or distractions over sitting at His feet, we are, in essence, choosing something else as our source of life, peace, and direction. That is the heart of rebellion: believing we can live without dependence on Him.
Worship Is More Than a Song—It’s Time Given to God
Worship is not just music or church attendance. Worship is what we give our devotion, time, and energy to. If we claim to love God but rarely spend time in His presence, what does that say about our hearts? Jesus Himself said:
“For where your treasure is, there will your heart be also.” - Matthew 6:21
If our time is our treasure, where are we investing it? The truth is, if we do not give God our time, we are giving it to something else. And that “something else” can easily become our idol.
Many of us would never engage in witchcraft, yet Scripture equates rebellion—choosing our way over God’s way—with the same spiritual danger. Rebellion is, at its core, rejecting God’s authority. And rejecting His authority is the first step toward destruction.
What Are You Connected To?
Here’s a hard truth: you cannot cast out or break free from anything you still love or are willingly connected to. If you are attached to comfort, distractions, or self-will more than God, no amount of prayer will free you. True deliverance requires full surrender.
If you say you want to walk in obedience but continually make excuses for why you don’t have time to pray, read the Word, or seek His presence, you must ask yourself: What am I actually worshiping?
Breaking Free from the Sin of Rebellion
If rebellion is a sin just as serious as witchcraft, then we cannot take it lightly. We must recognize the areas where we have neglected God and take intentional steps to realign our hearts. Here’s how:
Repent and Acknowledge the Truth – Confess to God that you have neglected time with Him. Repentance is not just saying “I’m sorry”; it’s turning away from that behavior.
Realign Your Priorities – Make a commitment to put God first. Schedule time for prayer and the Word the same way you schedule anything else important in your life.
Eliminate Distractions – Identify what is stealing your time from God and remove it. If social media, entertainment, or work is getting in the way, set boundaries.
Develop a Habit of Seeking Him – Spend time with God even when you don’t feel like it. The more you prioritize Him, the more natural it becomes to remain in His presence daily.
Surround Yourself with Accountability – Walk with other believers who will encourage and challenge you to stay committed to seeking God.
Choose Worship Over Rebellion
The choice is clear: We are either worshiping God with our time, or we are rebelling against Him by withholding it. There is no in-between. God doesn’t ask for our leftovers; He commands our first fruits—our best.
The enemy wants us to believe that time spent with God is optional, but Scripture tells us it is essential. Living in disobedience to this truth places us in a dangerous position—one of rebellion. But here’s the good news: the moment we choose to return, God is there, ready to restore and realign us.
What will you choose today? Rebellion or worship? Your time will answer that question.