Love Starts with Surrender
In a world that glorifies self-sufficiency, ambition, and personal achievement, surrender is often viewed as weakness. But in the Kingdom of God, surrender is the gateway to true obedience and the right use of the gifts He has given us. It is through surrendering to God’s will that we unlock the full potential of our gifts, not for self-glory, but for the love and service of Him and others.
The Power of Surrender
Surrender is not passive resignation; it is an active choice to trust God fully. It is the daily laying down of our will, desires, and plans at His feet, knowing that His ways are higher and His plans far better than our own (Isaiah 55:8-9). When we surrender, we acknowledge that the gifts we have are not ours to hoard or use selfishly, but rather tools entrusted to us to further His Kingdom.
Obedience as the Fruit of Surrender
Jesus Himself is the perfect example of surrender leading to obedience. In the Garden of Gethsemane, as He prepared for the ultimate sacrifice, He prayed, “Not my will, but Yours be done.” (Luke 22:42). His surrender to the Father led to obedience, even to death on a cross (Philippians 2:8), and through that obedience, the greatest act of love and service was accomplished—our redemption.
Likewise, when we surrender, our hearts are postured to obey. True obedience cannot exist apart from surrender because without it, we will always struggle to follow God's leading. When we resist surrender, we often misuse or neglect the gifts He has given us. But when we yield to Him, our obedience becomes an overflow of love, rather than a burden.
Gifts Are Meant to Serve, Not to Be Stored Away
Every believer has been entrusted with spiritual gifts, talents, and abilities to be used for the glory of God and the benefit of others. Romans 12:6-8 reminds us, “We have different gifts, according to the grace given to each of us... if it is serving, then serve; if it is teaching, then teach...” These gifts are not given to boost our egos or create platforms for ourselves, but to reflect the love of Christ in tangible ways.
When we surrender our gifts back to God, we step into our true calling. A surrendered heart is not concerned with recognition or personal gain but is focused on faithfulness. Whether it is preaching, encouraging, leading, or showing hospitality, every gift is valuable in God’s economy when used with a surrendered and obedient heart.
Love and Service: The Ultimate Purpose of Our Gifts
Jesus summed up the greatest commandments in Matthew 22:37-39: “Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind... and love your neighbor as yourself.” Our gifts are meant to be conduits of this love. They are not for self-promotion but for the service of God and people.
A surrendered teacher uses their wisdom to guide others in truth.
A surrendered encourager speaks life into those who are weary.
A surrendered leader stewards influence for God’s purposes, not their own.
A surrendered servant finds joy in meeting the needs of others without seeking recognition.
Every act of service, big or small, matters when done in obedience to God.
Living in Surrendered Obedience
If we desire to walk in true obedience and fully utilize the gifts God has given us, we must first lay everything down at His feet. It is only in that place of surrender that we find freedom, purpose, and clarity. Instead of striving in our own strength, we rest in His power. Instead of seeking our own glory, we magnify His name. Instead of hoarding our gifts, we pour them out in love and service.
Ask yourself today: Are you holding onto your gifts in fear, pride, or hesitation? Or have you fully surrendered them to God’s will? When we surrender, obedience follows, and through that obedience, God works mightily in and through us for His glory.
Let us be people who surrender daily, obey joyfully, and serve wholeheartedly, using every gift God has entrusted to us to love Him and love others.